Friday, August 30, 2013

Back in Elementary!

I'm back!! After a hiatus into the world of teaching high school art, I am in elementary and back to doing these fun, kid-friendly projects. I couldn't be more excited to be at two wonderful schools in a great county! We're in the third week of school now and while I don't have any completed projects to share just yet, I do have some books and resources that I am excited about using this year in the art room. We use sketchbooks with all of the children in every grade level. I found this short video that I show to everyone but Kinder before we make our sketchbooks. All the grade levels think this guy is hysterical. Personally, I am glad this is a short video as I find him a tad annoying but who cares what I think!
The same week that I used this video with the other grades, I read "A Dot is a Line That Went for a Walk" to Kinder. I stumbled across a copy of the story on Slideshare so I was able to read it to the kids from the projector so everyone could see. They drew their lines in the sketchbook as we read the story.

I also have some great story books that I found this year. These two have been a big hit so far. Both Kinder and 1st thought they were hilarious!!

I also got this one but I haven't test driven it yet. I got it for our collage activities because all of the illustrations are made from collage.

Do you have any favorite books for the art room? Finished projects coming soon!